Rioux, P. (2018). Our analysis of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) database shows that 73% of the behavioral health substance abuse treatment services in the USA include a 12-step program or option (see Table1). This page was last edited on 3 November 2022, at 22:24. Of course, given that religion is part of the solution to the addiction crisis, this dividing wall may come at the cost of lower effectiveness when the power of religious beliefs and practices is segregated from treatment. If, out of naivety, we hand over the keys to our institutions and allow outsiders to represent our legacy, then any chance of genuine dialogue will be lost. General and religious coping predict drinking outcomes for alcohol dependent adults in treatment. Partition remains one of the largest movements of people across borders in recorded history, and in both countries the carving of new borders was accompanied by violence, rioting and looting. Graham's estimated lifetime audience, including radio and television broadcasts, topped 2billion by 2008. The Center previously has conducted religion-focused surveys across sub-Saharan Africa; the Middle East-North Africa region and many other countries with large Muslim populations; Latin America; Israel; Central and Eastern Europe; Western Europe; and the United States. Volunteering and health benefits in general adults: Cumulative effects and forms. [206], Graham authored the following books;[207] many of which have become bestsellers. For example, by a variety of measures, people in the South are somewhat less religious than those in other regions 69% say religion is very important in their lives, versus 92% in the Central part of the country. 2012; Yu et al. For example, while the rules of inheritance for most Indians are governed by the Indian Succession Act of 1925 and the Hindu Succession Act of 1956 (amended in 2005), Islamic inheritance practices differ in some ways, including who can be considered an heir and how much of the deceased persons property they can inherit. [68] Graham held integrated crusades in Birmingham on Easter of 1964, in the aftermath of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, and toured Alabama again in the wake of the violence that accompanied the first Selma to Montgomery march in 1965. The report notes that the Midwestern states were particularly hard hit, with a 70% increase in opioid overdose for both genders and all age-groups. Schjdt U, Stdkilde-Jrgensen H, Geertz AW, Roepstorff A. Rewarding prayers. Wendy Doniger On The Couch (A Tantric-Psychoanalysis)": "Rajiv Malhotra interviews Stuart Sovatsky an American scholar and practitioner of Psychology and Hindu traditions on the Wendy Doniger syndrome. Although not originally Muslim, the western Mongols adopted Islam as their religion in the early-14th century under Berke Khan, and later Uzbeg Khan established it as the official religion of the state. [50][51], Malhotra further claims that Dharmic traditions are misunderstood by the West, one being the scholars conflated the use of Dharmic images and deities with pre-Christian Peganism, although Paganism is quite different from Dharmic bhakti. 2015, 2016). In their analysis of the cross-sectional data from a nationally representative sample of 868 Latinos of Mexican origin from the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS), Moreno and Cardemil (2018) found that religious attendance was linked to lower lifetime prevalence of depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, and SUD. Unity, known informally as Unity Church, is an organization founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1889. Hope and healing in the opioid crisis: Freedom to serve the vulnerable. The Ottoman Empire continued to stretch northwards, taking Hungary in the 16th century, and reaching as far north as the Podolia in the mid-17th century (Peace of Buczacz), by which time most of the Balkans was under Ottoman control. cit.) Second, participation in organized religious activities helped many of the participants cut down on or briefly stop cocaine use at some point in their substance use history. Malhotra had graduated from St Stephen's College, Delhi, in 1971, and came to the US to pursue degrees in physics and computer science, where his subsequent career spanned the software, telecom and media industries (Ramaswamy, de Nicolas and Banerjee, 2007, p. 472, n.5). They were returned to Canada days later. 12, No. [79], In 2017, Pew projected that the Muslim population of Europe would reach a level between 7% and 14% by 2050. This typology aids in understanding how religion and spirituality are related phenomena and not mutually exclusive (e.g., Hodge 2011; Koenig et al. In the survey, just 19% of Hindus in the region say they voted for the BJP, compared with roughly two-thirds in the Northern (68%) and Central (65%) parts of the country who say they voted for the ruling party. 4).8 The growth of the religiously unaffiliated population is occurring across multiple demographic groups; however, it is more concentrated among millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996), 35% of whom identify themselves as religiously unaffiliated (Pew Research Center 2015). Koenig LB, Vaillant GE. The Christian counter-offensive known as the Reconquista began in the early 8th century, when Muslim forces managed to temporarily push into southern France. The states of Southern India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Telangana) show the biggest downward trend in the perceived importance of religion over respondents lifetimes: 76% of Indians who live in the South say religion was very important to their family growing up, compared with 69% who say religion is personally very important to them now. Melissa E. Grim, Email: gro.ssenisubdnamodeerfsuoigiler@assilem. Geographic variation in opioid and heroin involved drug poisoning mortality rates. The survey finds that Hindus tend to see their religious identity and Indian national identity as closely intertwined: Nearly two-thirds of Hindus (64%) say it is very important to be Hindu to be truly Indian. [5], Graham was particularly close to Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson (one of Graham's closest friends),[6] and Richard Nixon. (For more analysis of Sikhs views on passing religious traditions on to their children, see Chapter 8.). While negative experiences with religion (e.g., clergy sex abuse and other horrendous examples) have been a contributory factor to substance abuse among some victims, given that more than 84% of scientific studies show that faith is a positive factor in addiction prevention or recovery and a risk in less than 2% of the studies reviewed, we conclude that the value of faith-oriented approaches to substance abuse prevention and recovery is indisputable. In fact, there is no central directory or coordinating body that reports on or tracks faith-based initiatives and their effectiveness. Dennis ML, Foss MA, Scott CK. Graham prepared one last sermon, "My Hope America", which was released on DVD and played around America and possibly worldwide between November 710, 2013. Indian Muslims also report high levels of religious commitment by a host of conventional measures: 91% say religion is very important in their lives, two-thirds (66%) say they pray at least once a day, and seven-in-ten say they attend mosque at least once a week with even higher attendance among Muslim men (93%). Religiosity, peers, and adolescent drug use. [76], Sanskrit Non-Translatables, a book by Malhotra published in 2020 and coauthored by Satyanarayana Dasa,[77] deals with the idea of Sanskritizing the English language and enriching it with powerful Sanskrit words. As our typology suggests, A.A. and N.A. ", According to Christians, salvation depends on occurrences of three historical events: the, Malhotra further mentions the critical distinction between Dharmic and Western reliance on history in the meditative practices. Meanwhile, college-educated Indians are less likely than those with less education to say stopping inter-caste marriages is a high priority. Zemore SE. A spokesman for Graham said that Graham has never been an antisemite and that the comparison (in accord with the context of the quotation in the Book of Revelation[130]) was directed specifically at those claiming to be Jews, but not holding to traditional Jewish values. However, if all these A.A. members were still addicted to alcohol (i.e., had alcohol use disorder), the mortality rate would be three to four times higher or, as estimated by Larame et al. The study also found that an increase in A.A. activities, besides just attending A.A. meetings (e.g., sponsorship), between the baseline and the first-year follow-up was also associated with greater likelihood of sobriety. And these two dimensions of national identity being able to speak Hindi and being a Hindu are closely connected. Islam is the second-largest religion in Europe after Christianity. Jang SJ, Franzen AB. Nearly all religious groups show the same patterns. ", "Billy Graham to Mitt Romney: 'I'll do all I can to help you', "Billy Graham site removes Mormon 'cult' reference after Romney meeting", "Billy Graham Website Removes Mormon 'Cult' Reference After Romney Meeting", "Billy Graham speaks with his own voice, son Franklin says", "My father voted for Trump: Franklin Graham responds to anti-Trump op-ed", "The President Preacher; In Crisis, White House Turns to Billy Graham", "The Essence of Billy Graham; A Warm but Honest Biography of the Evangelist", "Billy Graham 'absolutely crushed' by Richard Nixon's profanity in White House recordings", "Billy Graham Reflects on His Friendship with Queen Elizabeth II", "The Crown: The Truth Behind Queen Elizabeth's Real-Life Friendship with Evangelist Billy Graham", "Billy Graham dead: Truth behind Queen Elizabeth II's friendship with the US evangelical preacher", Billy Graham Responds to Lingering Anger Over 1972 Remarks on Jews, "Billy Graham apologizes for anti-Semitic comments in 1972 conversation with Nixon", "In Nixon tapes, Billy Graham refers to 'synagogue of Satan', "Billy Graham Enters Women's Lib Controversy", "1970: Feminist Sit in at Ladies Home Journal", "Divorce, drugs, drinking: Billy Graham's children and their absent father", "Internet Reacts to Obama Tweet About Billy Graham", "The complicated legacy of Billy Graham: Gospel or politics? Does alcoholics anonymous involvement predict treatment outcome? We will now specifically look at the evidence-based research on (a) how faith generally relates to substance abuse, (b) how faith relates to youth and substance abuse, and (c) how faith relates to adults and substance abuse; we will also provide an overview of the available evidence-based studies on the effectiveness of faith-based substance abuse recovery support programs. The Infinity Foundation was formed in 1995 by the wealthy Indian American entrepreneur Rajiv Malhotra, who, after a career in the software, computer, and telecom industries had taken an early retirement to pursue philanthropic and educational activities. For instance, Medlock et al. They may not know the name of Jesus but they know in their hearts that they need something they do not have, and they turn to the only light they have, and I think that they are saved and they are going to be with us in heaven. Nearly 1 in 10 Americans aged 12 or older (20.1 million people) have a substance use disorder (SUD), involving alcohol or illicit drugs (see Fig. For more information, see the Methodology for this report. Yet, despite sharing certain values and religious beliefs as well as living in the same country, under the same constitution members of Indias major religious communities often dont feel they have much in common with one another. Henrietta Mears of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood in California was instrumental in helping Graham wrestle with the issue. "The organized Jewish community and evangelical America". For example, 84% of the clients in addiction counseling expressed a desire for a greater emphasis on spirituality in treatment (Hodge 2011). "I wanted to go to nursing school Wheaton had a five-year program but Daddy said no. Another example is the For My Baby and Me program, launched by Trenton Catholic Charities in December 2017 with a $1 million New Jersey Department of Health grant (Diocese of Trenton 2018). [5] Everett continued to teach Inward Bound for over twenty-five years, and gave lectures annually in the United States, Europe and Asia. A prospective study of church attendance and health over the lifespan. For example, among Hindus who say it is very important to stop the interreligious marriage of Hindu women, 82% also say that respecting other religions is very important to what it means to be Hindu. Opioids were involved in 42,249 overdose deaths in 2016 or 66.4% of all drug overdose deaths (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2018a). The company was closed in 1973 along with Leadership Dynamics and Holiday Magic, partially as a result of William Penn Patrick dying in a plane crash. Self-reported use of novel psychoactive substances in a US nationally representative survey: Prevalence, correlates, and a call for new survey methods to prevent underreporting. (2012); number of studies reviewed: alcohol (278), drugs (185). [39] There are accounts of the trade connections between Muslims and the Rus', apparently people from the Baltic region who made their way towards the Black Sea through Central Russia. [48], Graham also held evangelistic meetings on a number of college campuses: at the University of Minnesota during InterVarsity's "Year of Evangelism" in 195051, a 4-day mission at Yale University in 1957, and a week-long series of meetings at the University of North Carolina's Carmichael Auditorium in September 1982. Medlock MM, Rosmarin DH, Connery HS, Griffin ML, Weiss RD, Karakula SL, McHugh R. Religious coping in patients with severe substance use disorders receiving acute inpatient detoxification. [13][14] Such events have also fueled ongoing debates regarding the topics of globalization, multiculturalism, Islamophobia, attitudes toward Muslims, and the populist right.[13][14][15]. [92] In 1960, he opposed the candidacy of John F. Kennedy, fearing that Kennedy, as a Catholic, would be bound to follow the Pope. excluding Northern Cyprus and Turkey). This body of research shows that the efficacy of faith includes not only the behaviors people engage in (or dont engage in) because of their faith and the support people find in belonging to faith communities, but also peoples religious and spiritual beliefs themselves. To the church at Sardis 1. White WL, Kelly JF, Roth JD. To improve respondent comprehension of survey questions and to ensure all questions were culturally appropriate, Pew Research Center followed a multi-phase questionnaire development process that included expert review, focus groups, cognitive interviews, a pretest and a regional pilot survey before the national survey. [63] Graham's biographer David Aikman acknowledged that the preacher was closer to Johnson than any other president he had ever known. [10] He also wrote extensively on internet discussion groups and e-magazines. Knig, Daniel G., Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West. The definition provided in the Introduction section illustrates the overlaps between religion and spirituality. Mind Dynamics proved a precursor to other groups that used similar techniques. National Institution on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). They estimated those costs by using the estimates of Florence et al. (2018c). [72] In Russia, Moscow is home to an estimated 1.5 million Muslims. Palamar JJ, Kiang MV, Halkitis PN. William Franklin Graham Jr. (November 7, 1918 February 21, 2018) was an American evangelist and an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became well known internationally in the late 1940s. [67][note 17] In Buddhist philosophy, Indra's Net served as a metaphor in the Avatamsaka Sutra[68][69] and was further developed by Huayen Buddhism to portray the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. Recent debates have emerged around Islamic courts. 2017). He repudiated racial segregation[4] and insisted on racial integration for his revivals and crusades, starting in 1953. 2014). Accessibility [58], Graham's early crusades were segregated, but he began adjusting his approach in the 1950s. (2018b). 2016). [223][224], He is honored with a commemoration on the liturgical calendar of the Anglican Church in North America on February 21. [49], Malhotra further mentions that practitioners of Christian Yoga and people who advocate it, neither understand Christianity nor the roots, complexity, and philosophies of Yoga. At one point, Johnson even considered making Graham a member of his cabinet and grooming him to be his successor, though Graham insisted he had no political ambitions and wished to remain a preacher. Today, Indias Muslims almost unanimously say they are very proud to be Indian (95%), and they express great enthusiasm for Indian culture: 85% agree with the statement that Indian people are not perfect, but Indian culture is superior to others., Relatively few Muslims say their community faces a lot of discrimination in India (24%). [75] This took place in Lausanne, Switzerland (July 1625, 1974), and the movement which ensued took its name from the host city. On the other hand, Muslim scholars have defended the dar-ul-qaza, saying they expedite justice because family disputes that would otherwise clog Indias courts can be handled separately, allowing the secular courts to focus their attention on other concerns. The vast majority of state-of-the-art substance abuse treatment and recovery programs in the USA include a key component that is spiritual but not necessarily religious (i.e., the 12-step recovery assistance program that A.A. and N.A. We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people, right and left. The inducement for this book was the prospect of Sringeri Peetham, the monastery founded by Adi Shankara in southern India, collaborating with Columbia University to set up an "Adi Shankara Chair" for Hindu religion and philosophy, sponsored by an Indian donor. The study put the annual contribution in dollar terms, with a mid-range estimate of nearly $1.2 trillion. Alcohol use disorder and illicit drug use disorder in the past year among people aged 12 or older with a past year SUD: 2016. "They Call Me Mother Graham Morrow Coffey Graham", "Billy Graham Trivia What Did Billy Graham Read as a Child", "An Interview with Reverend Billy Graham", "Graham's first-ever sermon? As shown in Table4, nearly 11% of federal grant funds went to faith-based organizations (2007). [10] The Muslim populations in these territories were either converted to Christianity or expelled by the end of the 15th century by the Christian rulers (see Reconquista). 2018). Daily spiritual experiences and adolescent treatment response. But 24% of Indians do not take a clear position either way they say diversity neither benefits nor harms the country, or they decline to answer the question. The survey finds that 33% of Sikhs preferred the Indian National Congress Party Gandhis party. Spirituality and religion within the culture of medicine: From evidence to practice. & Wilson, H. E. (1989), The educational tradition of the Ottoman Empire and the development of the Turkish educational system of the republican era. Though Mind Dynamics only existed for a few years, it influenced many other forms of companies and self-improvement groups known as Large Group Awareness Training. Indeed, significant differences in opinion exist depending on how religiously active a person is, with 81% of those attending church every week reporting that religion can answer todays problems compared with only 27% of people who attend church less often than once per month and 9% of those who have no religious affiliation, according to the Gallup poll. That figure is the same as that obtained by the INED/INSEE survey in October 2010. After controlling for depression, religiosity was still found to be associated with less cigarette smoking, heavy drinking, and prescription and illicit drug abuse. Billy Graham on his lasting legacy", "The Presidents' preacher: From Truman to Trump", "John F. Kennedy, Billy Graham: irrecoverable moments in 1963", "America's Pastor: At 74, Billy Graham Begins to Sum Up, Regrets and All", "Why Is Abortion Such a Big Issue For Christians? Three-quarters of Indian Muslims (77%) say that a person cannot be Muslim if they eat pork, which is even higher than the share who say a person cannot be Muslim if they do not believe in God (60%) or never attend mosque (61%). [12] Graham was on Gallup's list of most admired men and women a record 61 times. [51] The negative and erroneous association of Yoga with an idolatry of the body gives rise to odd hybrids such as Christian Yoga or Jewish Yoga or, Muslim Yoga, who claim to provide a cleaned-up Yoga, which is free from dangers of idolatry. Graham became a national figure with heavy coverage from the wire services and national magazines. (2008) also showed how the mindfulness and meditation inherent in the 12-step approaches are natural features of Buddhism and Buddhist approaches to addiction recovery. Two thirds of Muslims the majority responded that religious rules are more important than civil laws and three quarters rejecting religious pluralism within Islam. Graham was a friend of the Reagans for years. Antonio de Nicolas, Krishnan Ramaswamy, and Aditi Banerjee (eds.) Most Hindus and Jains also pray daily (59% and 73%, respectively) and say they perform puja daily (57% and 81%), either at home or at a temple.6. Indians who favor a religiously segregated society also overwhelmingly emphasize religious tolerance as a core value. [40][note 7], According to Malhotra, the practice of distorted version of Yoga, Christian Yoga, is not only inimical but also detrimental to Christianity's fundamental principles and doctrines. U.S. Department of Transportation. The bundle contains the following essays: The possible influence of Indian thought on Plotinus was mentioned already by his student and biographer, Theosophic ideas on involution has "much in common" with "theories of the descent of God in Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and other esoteric schools. These slaves were captured mainly from the crews of captured vessels[36] and from coastal villages in Spain and Portugal, and from farther places like Italy, France, or England, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Azores Islands, and even Iceland. [96] In his autobiography, Graham claimed to have felt an "inner foreboding" in the week before Kennedy's assassination, and to have tried to contact him to say, "Don't go to Texas! Charles Wendell Colson (October 16, 1931 April 21, 2012), generally referred to as Chuck Colson, was an American attorney and political advisor who served as Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1970. This and several other Muslim settlements were all destroyed and their inhabitants massacred during the 1241 Mongol invasion of Hungary. Their research demonstrates significant improvements in patients when taking the bodymindspirit integrated model of intervention. [170], The movie Billy: The Early Years officially premiered in theaters on October 10, 2008, less than one month before Graham's 90th birthday. Among Hindus who say it is very important to be Hindu to be truly Indian, fully 80% also say it is very important to speak Hindi to be truly Indian. 395): Greek historian and author from Alimos. Minority groups", Muslims in the European Union. Explaining the relationships between religious involvement and health. In 2016, 63,632 drug overdose deaths occurred in the USA, a 21.5% increase from 2015. We will now go through a series of steps leading to a valuation of the nearly 130,000 congregation-based recovery support groups for people struggling with drug or alcohol abuse using data from A.A. as a proxy. As shown in Table1, twelve-step recovery programs are common across all substance abuse treatment programs, including programs serving vulnerable populations, such as persons who have experienced sexual abuse or persons living with HIV/AIDS. "The Billy Graham Song - "Billy, You're My Hero". While we are primarily focused on bringing to light religious and spiritual contributions to substance abuse recovery, we also believe that programs without these elements are valuable and helpful to many people, including religious people. He has authored and edited books on Christianity and Christian conversion in India and elsewhere in Asia. [51][55] He adds, internalized taboos, social prejudices, and all stereotypes of Dharmic culture and Hinduism in particular, act as a filter in the interpretation of Dharmic traditions, such as Yoga and meditation to create varied responses to Yoga. Amihai I, Kozhevnikov M. The influence of Buddhist meditation traditions on the autonomic system and attention. No reason, no explanation, just 'No.' The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints. [12] He attracted national media coverage, especially in the conservative Hearst chain of newspapers, although Hearst and Graham never met. If 66% of these do not relapse during the year, we can estimate that 625,085 people are kept from entering the rehab or criminal justice systems. A.A. [13] Grant Wacker writes that by the mid-1960s, he had become the "Great Legitimator": "By then his presence conferred status on presidents, acceptability on wars, shame on racial prejudice, desirability on decency, dishonor on indecency, and prestige on civic events.

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