The activities of the Senate are led by the president of the Senate, assisted by a vice-president. After the nomination has taken place, the students will receive an email with further information on the application process. The order was signed by Academician Ilie G. Murgulescu, the Minister of Education and Culture, at the time. LICENTA. Ovidius University has been constantly listed among the top 15 universities in Romania, the first 150 in Eastern Europe, and the first 2500 in the world. ADMITERE. Afaceri Internationale_ID. In 2014, Ovidius University received the Creativity Trophy, as a result of its research activity over the previous year, which was remarked by the regional industrial partners. Ovidius University is very proud of the program it has developed in Romanian as a foreign language, which is the second largest program of this kind in Romanian universities. Student housing It covers a wide range of fields of study, from medical sciences to engineering, from humanities to materials sciences, from natural sciences to economic and legal studies, from arts to theology. About 48 % of the revenue comes from tuition and other fees. They value both the quality of teaching and the wide access to practical activities. Universitatea Ovidius din Constana este o instituie public de nvmnt superior, care include toate cele trei cicluri de nvmnt: licen, master, doctorat. The second main pillar of Ovidius Universitys mission is scientific research - technological development - innovation (RDI). Constana is an important economic hub as well as a cultural lighthouse, rendered unique by its archaeological treasures and the old city centre atmosphere. It was founded by the Order of the Ministry of Education. These fees are approved by the Board of Directors, validated by the UOC Director and made public by the date of the announcement of the doctoral admission competition for that academic year. Orar. Ovidius University is located in the city of Constana, Romania. "Ovidius" University of Constanta, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania. List of High School Diplomas recognized by the Ministry of Education, To the attention of foreign candidates (EU and non-EU), Acceptance letters (non-EU)/High school recognition (EU). Many of the international students perceive Ovidius University as a gateway to the European Union. We host the Confucius Class and we are on the point of founding a center for studies in collaboration with the Consulate General of Turkey. Revenues from European Union nonrefundable funds amounted to 4 % , whereas those from research grants to 2% of total income. The Sims team made a decision to make dorm rooms without full build mode capabilities so they could switch it up for live drag objects instead. Building B, built in 2008, with a usable surface area of over 4,400 square metres, is meant for Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy students. Details can . Ovidus University of Constanta is the largest European university in the Black Sea and is situated in Constanta, Southeast Romania. Other spaces belonging to the Faculty of Dentistry are situated downtown at 58 Ilarie Voronca Street, in a building refurbished in 2002. Dobruja, a region situated in the Southeast of Romania, bathed by the waters of the Danube and the Black Sea, has represented, in the course of history, a bridge between East and West, between North and South. The university provides student accommodation in 4 halls of residence, including a total number of 1327 of student residential places. Studii universitare de . It is founding member of the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN)[2] and of the Balkan Universities Network[3] (BUA) and it hosts the permanent general secretariat of BSUN. Ovidius University enrolls over 15,000 students, under the guidance of 650 members of the academic staff and with the support of over 300 employees in administration and services. The vast areas intended for sports, cultural events and entertainment make Constana a vibrant city, a city for young people. Moreover, the Diploma Supplements are bilingual, being issued both in Romanian and in English. The university is comprehensive, ensuring student instruction through programs covering all study cycles, from bachelors programs to masters and doctoral programs, as well as various pedagogical training courses, advanced training courses for teachers, residency for physicians, etc. The presence of a significant Aromanian community in the region appeals to students of similar origin from Greece, Albania and FYR of Macedonia. Doctoral degree programs are organized with: funding from the state budget and on a fee basis or from other legally established sources. Each room has two single beds, two bedside tables, small chests of drawers by the beds, two wardrobes for clothes, two desks, two office lamps, two office lamps, an electric kettle, and two cups.Moreover . Bank lake ovidiu Get Live News Updates Every Minute from Curated from 23000 News Agencies. They met again on July 11, exchanging the sum of 5,000 euros, but no agreement was reached, however, on the records there are data on other "transactions". The National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education - CNCSIS evaluated and included the journal "Ovidius" University Annals of Constanta - Series CIVIL ENGINEERING in the category B+ for . . 4894 of 1991, the university took its present name, honoring Ovid, the Roman poet that was exiled in Tomis. Phone: +40241613016. 804 8 Deparment of Sport and Kinetotherapy, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, . About Vistula University Dormitory. As of 2014[update], most of the over 1,100 international students come from Moldova, Israel, Turkey, Albania, the United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Morocco, India, Turkmenistan, South Africa, etc. FACULTATEA DE PSIHOLOGIE I TIINELE EDUCAIEI. Book online, pay at the hotel. In addition to the links established through the Erasmus program, Ovidius University of Constana has developed ties with over 100 partner institutions from all over the world. Our students benefit from the main Ovidius University Library, located in the central campus as well as the various smaller libraries that belong to the faculties. UNIVERSITY OVIDIUS OF CONSTANTA 124. Find hotels near Ovidius University, Romania online. Ovidius University enrolls approximately 15,100 students, of which nearly 11,900 in BA study programs, over 2,200 in MA programs, approximately 700 in residency training programs and over 300 in PhD programs. This priority is demonstrated by a constant high ranking of our university among the universities focused on education and research. Finalizare Studii. The center is located in the north campus, in the building hosting the Faculty of Letters. The budget for student hostels and canteen as well as the income from other sources amounted to 8% and 2 % of total revenues, respectively. Presently, Ovidius University consists of 16 faculties: The university offers bachelor's degrees in over 80 programs, master's degrees in over 70 programs and doctoral degrees in 8 fields of specialization. A great variety of materials is there to help with developing language skills. Covid Handbook Corvinus University's Covid Recommendations and Rules Staff Fldes Ferenc Dormitory Dorm Manager #$162442672193359894.86316867594#$ Kinizsi Dormitory Dorm Manager #$1624429352113586110.2597691632#$ Tarkarti Dormitory . The Nautical Base is located on the shores of Mamaia Lake, next to a sports base comprising numerous sports courts (volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis), running track, gymnasium and athletics hall. Apsilankyti svetainje. The university offers dormitory accommodation but gives preference to students with Romanian citizenship. Hide browse bar Your current position in the text is marked in blue. The buildings were completed in 1960 and 1961 and refurbished between 2006 and 2008. Good availability and great rates. Student cafeterias Ovidius University BS Accounting. Besides computer rooms for students at the individual faculties, access to computers is offered centrally in the virtual library hall of the Ovidius University Library. Ovidius University is a comprehensive, multicultural higher education institution, with the mission to create, maintain and disseminate knowledge to the society through education, research and artistic creation at European standards. Unlike renting a house on campus, there is no cost to . Ion Popiteanu University Library; Ovidius University Press; International. Ovidius University of Constanta is the largest European Union university on the Black Sea coast. The location of the oldest building belonging to the university, built in 1936 and hosting the Rectors office, the great auditorium (Aula Magna) and the Administrative Board meeting room is 124 Mamaia Boulevard. In its turn, Ovidius University of Constana offers knowledge, inspires and excites, thus fulfilling its mission of giving back to the community. It has observed applications in clinical and herbal sciences, humanities and engineering, social and financial sciences, regulation and administrative sciences, theology and arts. As the Charter of the university states, the Pedagogical Institute was founded by Order of the Ministry of Education no. Construction engineers conduct their activity in the vicinity of the main building, at 27 Unirii Street, whereas psychologists and economists are to be found at 58 Ion Vod Street. UOC is a founding member of the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) and hosts its secretariat. Ovidius University organizes courses for which both university graduates and high school graduates are eligible. Before your application for an exchange to Ovidius University of Constanta can be approved, students need to be nominated by their home university. By State Council Decree no. In 1984 the institute was reorganized to award only engineering degrees. 143 Alexandru Lpuneanu Boulevard were built in 2008 and have a total usable surface area of over 3,400 square metres.. Curriculum Vitae in English or French in the required format, and for the doctoral cycle an additional letter of intent from the . The university is named after the famous Roman poet Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), who spent the later years of his life in the ancient Greek colony of Tomis, the ancient name for Constana, about 2,000 years ago. Ovidius University is a member of the European University Association (EUA), the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF, Francophone University Association). Floor plans vary from residence hall to residence hall. The university had the largest number of patents registered with the Romanian Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM), which promoted the recognition from the Regional Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture. Their areas of origin include Europe about 49 % of students; Middle East 40 %; the Far East and Africa 5 %. TAXE DE COLARIZARE SI CRITERII DE SELECIE PENTRU ADMITEREA LA STUDII UNIVERSITARE DE MASTERAT, PENTRU ANUL UNIVERSITAR 2020021. Being fully aware of the fact that ethics and morality are the foundations of a solid construction, whether we are talking about an institution or a human personality, the university promotes integrity among its academic staff and students, favoring correct evaluation and promotion practices and criteria. n prezent, Facultatea de Litere deruleaz 6 programe de studii universitare de licen i 5 programe de studii universitare de . Out of these, approximately 85% are in the broad field of science and technology, nearly 14.7% in social sciences and 0.3% in humanities and arts. ANUNT de PUBLICITATE Nr. Erasmus Plus Ofiice; International Partnerships Office; 59- -66, Impact Factor 0.7 (2015/2016), apr. We organize career counseling activities and coordinate job fairs in order to support the placement of our graduateson the job market. 374 din 24.08.2022 - Cumparare directa- MICROSCOAPE. Experienced in New York State statutory residence and allocation audits Accountant/ Oil & Gas Business Developer IMRA Group of Companies . 04 Octombrie 2022 Lista candidatilor din state terte (non-UE) declarati eligibili pentru Rezidentiat Medicina 2022.; 23 Iulie 2022 Repartitia pe sali a candidatilor inscrisi la concursul de admitere de la Facultatea de Medicina Iulie 2022 ; 05 Iulie 2022 Metodologie Tabere Studentesti 2022 ; 16 Iunie 2022 Anunt privind mobilitatea academica a studentilor 2022-2023 Di video kali ini aku nunjuki gimana bentuk asrama aku selama prepatory years. 2.2. All rooms are equipped with function-specific furniture, the accommodation units have balconies along their entire length (except for two rooms for people with disabilities). 209 of 1977 the institute became a Higher Education Institute and reorganized. Except, a lot of us want to edit the dorms to fit our sim's personality. The common traditions and the similar cuisine make the students coming from the other Balkan countries feel at home in Constana. Abstract . The Virtual Library, situated in an adjacent building built in 2008 offers access to an application package consisting of Alice for Windows, Softlink-Liberty3, library IT systems, with free access to various academic databases. Moreover, through the ANELIS+ project, Virtual Library computers can be used to access the Web of Science and Scopus International Databases, as well as scientific information full text providers such as Science Direct, SpringerLink, Oxford, Wiley, etc. Anunturi importante 2020. Next to the headquarters is also the main university library, located at 126 Mamaia Boulevard. Other projects include: Design your career! - a project aimed at students who are in a stage of transition from school to work and who want to benefit from the expertise of specialists in the field of engineering sciences through internships; CERO - Career Profile: Romanian researcher aims to attract researchers with high potential for achieving scientific excellence in the field of urology and related areas of specialization at post-doctoral level; Sustainable Performance in doctoral and post-doctoral research PERFORM is aimed at developing highly-skilled human capital at doctoral and postdoctoral level by providing financial support, training skills and competencies, which are all a prerequisite on a modern labor market in which science and technology have an increased contribution to social development. Ambassador Hans Klemm at the Ovidius University of Constanta's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference. Ovidius University has four student dormitories where it can accommodate over 1300 students during their studies. Following evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2011, Ovidius University was included in the category of education and research-centered universities. Eliberare Duplicate pentru toate categoriile de acte de studii de la toate facultile i departamentele din cadrul universitii, Diplome de Subinginer; Olimpia DOBRIC. For the doctoral cycle, the admission to the 2021/2022 academic year is based on a competition in accredited or provisionally authorised doctoral schools, in the fields of doctoral studies approved within them, for free and fee-paying places. The more recent north campus is situated at 1 University Alley, next to the Mamaia Lake and the summer resort of Mamaia. The festive moments occasioned by graduation ceremonies bring together academics and alumni, as well as their families and friends. Facultatea de Litere. . The university is seeking new solutions meant to provide students with both specialized and transversal skills, which would improve their chances of success in a globalized and extremely competitive labor market. 209 of 1977 the institute became a Higher Education Institute and was reorganized. TThe total income of the university in 2014 was about 21 million euro, of which about 35 % was from the Ministry of Education and Research through institutional funding for tuition-free students. Programarea examenelor sesiunea ianuarie - februarie 2022. Ovidius University Press, the universitys publishing house, is included in the Catalogue of Romanian publishig houses and book publishers and is a member of the Romanian Association of publishers. Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta - Admitere - Informatii Programe de studii - Licenta - Masterat - Doctorat Consequently, many of our international students take advantage of the affordable private accommodation facilities available around the university campuses. Our university is not merely a beneficiary of the geographical location, economic environment, socio-cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. Practical activities allow students to manifest their creativity and initiative, perseverance and entrepreneurial spirit. We intend to build for Ovidius University of Constana the reputation of a lighthouse that shows the path for those passionate about knowledge and culture. The budget is proposed by the Administrative Board and approved by the Senate. This website has been designed where students can create account, check bed availability, reserve bed, check dormitory block pictures, can get information about fellow room-mates before booking bed, can do cancellation of bed etc. If I am admitted to a program of study at "Ovidius" University or another university center, I undertake to communicate in writing and submit the application for registration within 48 hours of posting the results, specifying the study program at which I will study with a scholarship / without a scholarship / with a fee in lei. After the implementation of the Bologna Process, which started in the 2005-2006 academic year, Ovidius University entered the European Higher Education Area and can therefore issue diplomas recognized in the European Union and beyond. "Ovidius" University Annals, Economic Sciences Series Volume XVIII, Issue 1 /2018 336. tailored to the crisis situation, as well as the types of personalities involved, so that they can determine the level of engagement and resilience that still persists. Dormitory housing is one of the two types of housing available to all young adult Sims. Our geographical proximity to the Danube, the Danube Delta and the Black Sea opens wide opportunities for research on wetlands, coastal and marine environment. Ovidius expanding isolation system provides well integrity . The Faculty of Medicine was founded in 1990, under the name of Faculty of General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy in 1990. Our aspiration is to make Ovidius University the place of first choice in the minds of domestic and international students from the Black Sea region and the Middle East, but also from South-East Asia and Northern Africa.

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