Today the Earth is home to more than 7.8 billion people.By 2100 the population is on track to hit 10.8 billion, according to the United Nations and that's assuming steady fertility declines in many countries.Interestingly, if extra progress is made in women's reproductive self-determination, and fertility falls more than the United Nations assumes is . Advances in technology, especially in agriculture, have led to our ability to feed population numbers that were thought to be impossible as recently as the 1960s. The Pearl River Delta has a population of more than 105 million. Now, our survival relies on the ability to curb procreation instead of add to it. Lowering infant mortality rate can also help in solving the problem of population. We needed to survive and procreate, just like any other species. They describe how the issue came about and what is being done to solve it. Recently, a correspondent wrote challenging us to identify solutions to the demographic [] In conclusion, overpopulation and overconsumption are of great concern for the natural environment and human life. . This video, by DW Planet A on YouTube, shares an interesting perspective on how consumption and overconsumption: Choose to consume less. There are always better options available. Youth associations: social cohesion begins in neighborhoods. World Bank Blogs: Female Education and Childbearing: A Closer Look at the Data. Although population growth in the 20th and 21st centuries has skyrocketed, it can be slowed, stopped and reversed through actions which enhance global justice and improve people's lives. If we dont implement some of theseoverpopulation solutions, we may be responsible for our extinction. Overpopulation . The entire U.S. population could move to Texas, and each family of four would enjoy more than 2.1 acres of land. Aside from removing policies that promote overpopulation, governments should introduce new rules that will help with population control. That's far lower than what now exists in all major U.S. cities. There are main factors that are contributing overpopulation such as the rising birth rate and declining of mortality rate. U.S. Life Expectancy Fell With Covid Vax Rollout, NY Times Blames Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine? By James D. Agresti Changing these policies wont come easy, as many families rely on them for a sustainable income. The Three Best Rain Barrel Selections For Collecting H2O, How Can Resource Conservation Benefit the Environment? Controlling overpopulation is a long term process and requires a lot of planning. Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. Ways to Curb Overpopulation. According to this commission, population growth could still be controlled and the situation could be reversed and a balance could be achieved between population and available resources. To do so, Member States would need to be involved in the Sustainable Development Goals and the development of specific actions. More mouths need to be fed. The only real solution is a global 0.1 child policy -- most people go childless, who gets to have kids is determined by a combination of lottery and eugenics policies (i.e. The three best cities for programmers outside Silicon Valley, Kowloon: a brief history of the most densely populated place on Earth. This is magnified by the ever-growing demands our ever-growing population places on the planet. The majority of climate change adaptation solutions demand . Every year it expands and become more danger than before. The amount of people on this planet is unsustainable at current rates, and spending a few extra dollars on contraception is only a drop in the bucket. In April 2019, the Commission on Population and Development held its session in New York, and one of the assignments was to analyze how the Program of Action agreed in the International Conference on Population and Development held in El Cairo in 1994, had been applied. What are the safest cities in Latin America and why? Make population and environmental issues and sex education part of the basic educational curriculum. CV19 Vax Deadliest Fraud in History Edward Dowd. Solutions to keeping the human population in check have to be easily applicable at the grass-root level. Here at The Overpopulation Project, we try to keep a positive outlook. Overpopulation solutions are lacking and incomplete if they do not include changes to energy production. Overpopulation is a global problem found in many countries such as China, India, Indonesia and even the United States of America. Where Did The Rest Of The Internet Go? Co-living, community and affordable housing, Women under 30 are earning more than men in these 16 cities, Why creating public spaces in a metropolitan context requires a more people-centred effort, Barrier free design with the help of smart cities, What are smart communities? Officially, Singapore is the world's most overpopulated state calculated by population to area, but the underdevelopment of large regional areas of main land China enhance the negative effects of overpopulation for the country. One of the biggest sources of environmental degradation and pollution is energy production from fossil fuels. Effects Of Human Overpopulation. . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Even when birth control is available, some people cant afford to pay for it. quit being mamby pamby and feel good solutions. Still, we need to look at tax benefits and other government policies regarding one of the overpopulation solutions. Zero Waste Alternatives Price Comparison, Best Plant-Based Milk: Cows Milk Vs Plant-Based Milk (2022 Guide), 7 Easy Food Waste Solutions and the 5 Best Food Waste Startups (2022), Loss of biodiversity and mass species extinction, Use of renewable resources at unsustainable rates, Climate change due to excessive greenhouse gas emissions, Use products that do not come in plastic packaging, like, Choose items made from recycled materials. In my opinion the solution to . The choices we make day-to-day and the causes, initiatives, and industries that choose to support all make a difference in how we consume resources and how the consumption of those resources impacts the planet. How crowdsourced weather observations help cities prepare for extreme heat, Designing for Well-Being and Promoting Spaces for Everyone, Micro-housing: what is it and why could it be a housing solution, Three cities that have managed to reduce drug use, Mosquitoes and health: how science has been tackling the silent killer of millions for centuries, Six cities that have discovered the value of urban photography, Content Pills #10: Safer cities for pedestrians, Content Pills #8: The role of indigenous women in the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge. We need to start making changes to our global community if we want to continue to thrive for the foreseeable future and beyond. Adults are not the only ones who should know about overpopulation and its negative effects. Supporting the education of women to at least secondary school level is a definitive impact on reducing birth rates. Now, aside from better education and family planning, there are many means to address this problem. Overpopulation solution essay As long as there are homeless and hungry it's selfish to make more people. Vox: Weve worried about overpopulation for centuries. Overpopulation can also contribute to the urban sprawl issue. 5 solutions to overpopulation. Creating a World for All Ages. Overconsumption is a major driving force behind the depletion of natural resources at unsustainable rates. There are differing theories about how to tackle the problem and different approaches or viewpoints. However, how this came about is more complex: There are many, interrelated, factors that lead to overpopulation but there are two major factors that play a crucial role in the scale and rapid rate of our population growth: Advances in medicine have led to fewer deaths from diseases, especially diseases that once took large numbers of lives in short periods, like smallpox and polio. Effects of overpopulation on the environment: The video below, by The Guardian and Sir David Attenborough on YouTube, briefly covers the impacts of human activity on the natural environment, as amplified by overpopulation: Overpopulation has no simple (or at least simple and ethical) solution. 5 possible solutions to this growing issue, Building our future city. More than anything, it shows an alternative future thats independent of having children. And government has not taken suitable measures. In the age of the internet, we can't protect kids from information. 2019 Increased human population sizes and increased demand for natural resources has led to severe negative impacts. This way, parents still have the freedom to choose how they want to grow their family, but theyll have to face consequences if they insist on having many children. Read the full article to find out more about the past and future numbers of people on earth. When you improve medical knowledge and understanding, you extend the average lifespan. And it increases the problems . The biggest problem we need to tackle is unwanted and unplanned pregnancies. It is a fact that keeping girls in school makes them less likely to have children at a young age and, therefore, reduces the number of maternal deaths. The current world population of 7.7 billion will become 9.7 billion, a trend that is expected to continue in subsequent years, meaning the World's population will reach around 11 billion by 2100. Best Eco-Friendly Ways to Lower It, Plastic-Eating Mushrooms: The Full Discovery and Details [2022 Update], Overpopulation: Impacts and 6 Solutions for 2022 (Guide), Is Zero Waste More Expensive? Gated communities: advantages and disadvantages for cities, Homelessness in Japan: the country with the smallest percentage of homeless people, Seasonal allergies: a clear example of bad urban planning, Gender Equality: a Must-Have for Economic Growth, Chief of International Business Development, Board Vice Chair and Washington DC representative /GUD, Coordinator of National URBACT Point in Spain. Food will cost more, and healthcare will virtually nonexistent for those who cant pay the high prices. Here are some overpopulation solutions that society and governments can undertake: Support education for women and girls. Effects of human overpopulation can span across the environmental and depletion of natural (and non renewable) resources, human health and safety, the economy, and other miscellaneous areas of society. Governments can counter this by creating a program that makes birth control products available for free or at a substantial discount and spreading awareness about this program. In addition, the process of using them for power and fuel generates massive water pollution, land degradation and air pollution. [Guide], Why Monitoring & Weather Forecasting is Crucial to These 5 Industries in 2022, Why is My Utility Bill So High? The portion of the U.S. population fully vaccinated against Covid-19 rose from 0% at the outset of 2021 to 63% by 7 Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Overpopulation, The Old World Order Is About To Collapse Peter Zeihan, SHORTAGE Full Documentary: We Must Prepare for Unprecedented Food Shortages. The world's population reached seven billion at the turn of 2011-12. The first of these is the depletion of resources. In an interview for BBC Newsnight, the 92-year-old British broadcaster said: "In the long run, population growth has to come to an end. China, for example, introduced its one-child policy in the late 1970s and demanded that couples should have no more than one child. Others, meanwhile, simply dismiss these products and services because they firmly believe that limiting pregnancies goes against their religious beliefs. Overpopulation: Is the future as bleak as it was depicted in the 1970s? Effects of Overpopulation Depletion of Natural Resources: The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. Over Populations is causing major problems right now, such as Global Problems , and the losing of natural resources. The richest 10% of the world's population produce almost ha. Overpopulation it's a nationwide problem, Both developed and developing countries are at risk of the dangerous problems that it can and will create, also can lead to overcrowding and poor quality in housing, goods and it may also cause a lack in countries resources. Despite the dangers that our growing population presents, so many people are ignorant of how big of a problem it is. (Iml.jou . Others feel that the solution to overpopulation lies in more proactive measures like economic incentives to have fewer children or regulating the number of children allowed per family. These products are often sold at a high prices, making them inaccessible to those who dont have a large budget. Too many people, consuming too much in terms of natural resources. Overpopulation of any species will have a devastating effect on the surrounding environment. One method of changing policy might be to reward families who decide to have two or fewer children with tax breaks. Have a look at the video below, by Data is Beautiful on YouTube, for a nice visual representation of how the numbers change over time: Overpopulation is the result of too many births and too few deaths, low emigration and high immigration in a specific area. Content Pills #9: Intergenerational Solidarity. There is a decrease in the quality of health services and an increase in the medical bills in the country. The Chinese government insists that the policy has prevented 400 million births, although this claim has not been independently verified. In 1968, American biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb, in which he stated that in the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death. There were no solutions arouse that . We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Every person deserves equal access to natural resourceswater, clean air, food, landbut as our numbers grow and the economically stable consume massive amounts of resources, we see devastating destruction of ecosystems. Responsible and thoughtful consumption can drastically improve the ecological footprint of every individual and every industry. Jekyll Island: The Truth Behind the Federal Reserve (Full Documentary), 1913 The Year the Republic Was Overthrown, New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart Martin Armstrong, Coming To Grips With the Facts About Masks. 18 Helpful Components of the Practice, What Is Point Source Pollution: Identifying the Culprit, Carrier Cor Thermostat Review: Offering Remote Control, Agricultural Pollution: What It Is and Why You Should Care, The Best Compost Bin Choices for Collecting Organic Material, The 10 Best Electric Lawn Mower Options for an Eco-Friendly Cut. Overpopulation Solutions Essay. Overpopulation is not a simple problem to solve. We would love to hear from you! Drug use will become more frequent, and society will slowly deteriorate from the inside. Giving kids information about safe sex at an early age is often uncomfortable, but its one of the necessary overpopulation solutions we need to start considering. Solutions. Does overpopulation cause climate change? The current society faces variety of problems that can't be disputed. Overpopulation refers to a situation characterized by a large number of people with too few resources and too little space at their disposal (Mosher 19). As of Sep 26, we're 16,100 in the red for the quarter. It also improves the spacing between children and improves the health and quality of life for those children. As human population numbers continue to boom globally, concerns are over the impacts of overpopulation on the natural environment, finite and renewable resources, and . In other Words,,"Human Overpopulation is pressing. What's the real agenda? The Causes of Overpopulation. The human overpopulation takes place in those countries where the population is bigger than food and water resources. China is known as the country with the highest population (CIA). If you are a scientist or scholar, one of the most important actions to take is to address population matters in your research, or join other researchers who are doing so. Accurate, factual and unbiased education for children, adolescents and adults about reproduction, sexual health and consent are essential to reduce the number of unintentional births that occur each year. Where is The Silver Going? As of 2020, the number has almost doubled again to 7.8 billion in just 46 years! However, there are several solutions that governments can explore, such as the following: 1. Support the renewable energy wherever you can be it by voting on policies, investing in the industry, or simply choosing to use it when it becomes available in your area. American Humane supports the passage of laws and regulations mandating that all cats and dogs adopted from public or private animal care and control facilities be sterilized. Sex education is paramount, but it goes hand-in-hand with overall education. As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, this site may earn from qualifying purchases. The future isnt completely bleak, as there are some steps we can take to limit the amount of procreation in the world. If more people decide to have one or two children instead of three or four, well be in a much better place going forward. Urban and sub-urban disparities in health outcomes among patients with COVID-19; a cross-sectional study of 234 418 patients in Iran, Why the internet of things should be top of your companys priority list, 'The bike saved me': cycling project for vulnerable people under threat.

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