For manually created topics, AI will attempt to add additional content based on the topics context. What is an Industrial No Exposure Certification? ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":3,"name":"Topic cards","videoHref":"","content":"

Hover over a topic highlight to see a topic card with a brief description, relevant experts, and filesall without leaving your app.

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","isLogo2x":false,"links":null,"logoHref":"","logoAlt":"","logoHeight":0,"logoWidth":0,"title":"Inhalte zusammenstellen und organisieren"},{"pages":[{"order":0,"position":0,"slides":[],"tiles":[],"arialabel":"Microsoft Teams","id":"Microsoft Teams","isImage2x":false,"imageHref":"","imageAlt":"A Topic being shared in a Teams chat. Ja, wir planen, Viva Topics in der Government Cloud verfgbar zu machen. Completion Instructions for DEQs OKR05 SWP3 Template, Routine Facility Inspection Report Template, Quarterly Visual Monitoring Report Template, Equipment Systems Maintenance Records Template, Industrial Stormwater Sampling FAQs Brochure. Organisieren Sie automatisch Inhalte und Fachwissen in Ihrem Unternehmen. Yes, we plan to make Viva Topics available for government cloud in the future. Not all departments corresponded to their UOO NKVD predecessors. Before Operation Bagration, the largest Allied operation of the Second World War, SMERSH caught and "doubled" a number of German agents who tricked the German military into underestimating the number of Soviet troops by 1.2 million men. According to 303(d) of the CWA, states are required to develop total maximum daily loads (TMDL) for every impaired waterbody. What will happen once I submit an NOT form to DEQ? Is the NEC transferable to a new facility operator? They were ranked according to their authority. Beispielsweise knnen Sie Beschreibungen berarbeiten, vorgeschlagene Kontakte und Ressourcen besttigen und anheften sowie Webparts und adaptive Karten hinzufgen.

","isLogo2x":false,"links":null,"logoHref":"","logoAlt":"","logoHeight":0,"logoWidth":0,"title":"Themenseiten bearbeiten"}],"arialabel":"Zusammenstellen und organisieren","id":"organization","isImage2x":false,"imageHref":"","imageAlt":"A project being edited in Viva Topics. Each industrial activity must be listed in Section 3.1 of the SWP3. For additional information about these waters or watersheds, look at Section 2.2.4 of Completion Instructions for the industrial SWP3 Template. Wolfensohn was a naturalised American citizen before taking office. Resolution No. Abakumov kept Stalin updated on all high-ranking commanders, and on the behavior of a number of leading military officers. If you have questions please contact Keri Jernigan at 405-702-6206. Originally focused on combating German spies infiltrating the Soviet military, the organization quickly expanded its mandate: to find and eliminate any subversive elementshence Stalin's inclusive name for it.[6]. Under 303(d) [aka 1313(d)] of the CWA, states are required to identify and list these impaired waterbodies every two years. The visual monitoring is a part of the required comprehensive inspection. Auckland - 09), while smaller areas had longer STD codes and shorter local numbers (e.g. Can secondary containment outside qualify for the no exposure exclusion? Viva Topics organisiert automatisch Inhalte und Fachwissen im gesamten Unternehmen. G&A General and Administration expense. Do I need to file a Notice of Termination (NOT) for my facility if it is currently covered under the OKR05 Permit before I apply for NEC? The names, contact information, and duties of members of your facilitys Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team (see Part 6.2.1 of the OKR05 Permit). The total number length, that is STD code and local number excluding the first 0, usually totalled seven digits, but could vary up to nine, as exchanges often increased the length of local numbers to Die Themen sind ber die tglich genutzten Apps sofort auffindbar. The organisation was officially in existence until 4 May 1946,[1][2] when its duties were transferred back to the MGB. Sole proprietorship: the proprietor (owner). Is the receiving waterbody impaired? No. See how Northumbrian Water uses Viva Topics for knowledge delivery. This template is generic and editable, so the permittee can modify the Report to meet the conditions at your facility, but permittees inspections must cover the minimum inspection requirements in Part 3 of the OKR05 Permit. Erhalten Sie Untersttzung bei der Aktivierung von Microsoft Viva und grundlegenden Funktionen fr die Mitarbeitererfahrung in Microsoft365. Velocity: The total number of manual and automated tests performed40. ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":8,"name":"Identify topics","videoHref":"","content":"

Automatically categorize knowledge into common subjects such as projects and products, and extract topic definitions, acronyms, and alternate names.

\n","isLogo2x":false,"links":null,"logoHref":"","logoAlt":"","logoHeight":0,"logoWidth":0,"title":"Automate topic identification"},{"order":0,"position":0,"slides":[],"tiles":[],"arialabel":"Create topic pages. Erfahren Sie, wie Northumbrian Water Viva Topics zur Bereitstellung von Wissen nutzt. You will need an OKR05 permit if you are the owner or operator of an Industrial facility operating under a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code identified in Table 1-3 of the 2022 OKR05 Permit. Net Profit Margin: The amount of money your company has after all expenses (interest, taxes, operating expenses, etc.) The purpose of the TMDL is to set discharge limits so that the impaired waterbody can eventually meet their designated uses. A TMDL equals the sum of () the loads from all waste load allocations (WLA) from point sources plus the sum of all the loads as load allocations (LA) from non-point sources along with background loads, plus a margin of safety (MOS) for the watershed where the impaired waterbody is located. Office Space Utilization: The percentage of the office space used by employees10. More specifically, a KPI gives performance insight into an organizations most important asset: the people. Offer a seamless experience across Microsoft 365, with topics discoverable in the apps you use every day. Waterbody identification (WBID) numbers are established based on a waterbodys location in the States Water Quality Management Plan. In addition to keyword searching, users can access the collection by Person, Topic, Event, Named Work, and Country. Learn more about data retention, deletion, and destruction in Microsoft 365, Viva Learning to seamlessly integrate access to learning content into the places employees already spend their time, Viva Insights to improve productivity and wellbeing with data-driven, privacy-protected insights, Viva Goals to stay aligned at scale, focus teams on impact, and bring goals into the flow of everyday work, Discover topics through topic highlights on a SharePoint page, Open a topic card to view and select related team members, resources, and related topics, Curate a topic by updating the description, adding additional resources, and suggesting team members, Manage mined and added topics for accuracy and relevance. Build, display, and interact from a single source of truth with all the KPIs front and center. 3222-ss/ov detailed the organisation of SMERSH and its branches in the Army: The Smersh organs are a centralized organization. [16][20], Below is the organization of SMERSH based on German Intelligence. Overtime Hours: The number of hours worked by an employee beyond their normally scheduled working hours7. Once your paid subscription begins, cancelation policies vary based on your status as a new customer, product, and domain selections on Microsoft. Ermglichen Sie Nutzern ber Teams Zugriff auf das Themencenter, und fgen Sie Themenkarten ber Hashtags an beliebige Chats an. Examples of BMPs include structural controls (such as a storm-resistant shelter or a berm), or sustainable stormwater management (such as low impact development (LID) or green infrastructure/smart growth). The most important of them were: 1st INU (foreign intelligence), 2nd KRU (domestic counterespionage, fighting anti-Soviet organizations, protection of state economy, house searches, and arrests)[14] NKVD 2nd Department (government and party officials protection) was transferred as NKGB 6th Directorate, NKVD Transportation Directorate was absorbed as NKGB 3rd Directorate and NKVD 4th Directorate was moved to NKGB with the same number. ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":11,"name":"Themenverwaltung","videoHref":"","content":"

Das Themencenter ist Ihr Ausgangspunkt fr das Erstellen, Bearbeiten, Lschen und Ablehnen von Themen, die von Viva KI generiert wurden. In addition, where a classic site has had modern pages added these will also feature topic highlights. You can use any format for your SWP3 as long as it meets the requirements of OKR05 Permit. Record sources include the foreign and colonial office files from U.K. National Archives in Kew, the U.S. State Department from the National Archives Records Administration (NARA), the British India Office collection from the British Library, and the archives of World Jewish Relief. Important: Inform the laboratory that these samples are for industrial stormwater compliance. You have to monitor as often as is stated in your permit which is at least once per year. These unnatural characteristics may likely cause stormwater contamination and lead to take appropriate corrective actions in accordance with Part 5 of the OKR05 Permit. Shannon - 06927). Document your observations in accordance with Part of the OKR05 Permit. Does stormwater from your facility go into an MS4? Each of these is broken down into smaller basins that have their own six-digit number beginning with the number of the basin they are located in. SMERSH also took an active role in the affairs of the Red Army by ensuring the good quality of Red Army facilities, improving discipline, eliminating poor leaders, and preventing desertion, self-inflicted wounds, panic, sabotage and poor discipline. Here at ClickUp, were super fans of KPIs and you, so our team got to work and pulled together a list of key performance indicators and free templates sorted by the department or industry.. Weitere Informationen ber Microsoft 365-Plne finden Sie auf der Seite zur Microsoft365 Enterprise-Lizenzierung. Yes, the permit requires electronic reporting using of DEQs website. STD codes were assigned with larger areas having short STD codes (e.g. ","id":"Index content","isImage2x":false,"imageHref":"","imageAlt":"Files in Topics. This includes an explanation as to why these pollutants are not related to your industrial activity and data that shows any pollutants in your discharge are caused by background sources. A qualified personnel is that who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of industrial stormwater controls and pollution prevention, and who possess the education and ability to assess conditions at the industrial facility that could impact stormwater quality, and the education and ability to assess the effectiveness of stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of the OKR05 Permit. Yes, DEQs website has a Corrective Action Report template that covers all the required elements for corrective action documentation. ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":4,"name":"Themenseiten","videoHref":"","content":"

Erweitern Sie die Themenkarte, um die Themenseite anzuzeigen und weitere Informationen zu erhalten, einschlielich einer vollstndigen Beschreibung, Akronymen und Unterhaltungen sowie verwandten Themen, Kontakten und Dateien.

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Bndeln Sie relevante Inhalte, Unterhaltungen, Links und Fachinformationen aus dem gesamten Unternehmen.

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If you would like on-site technical assistance, or have a question about stormwater enforcement, please contact the appropriate representative below: DEQ offers various outreach and training opportunities, to schedule an event please contact: Does my facility/industry have to have a stormwater permit? You will need to check in sector-specific inspection requirements included in Part 10 of the OKR05 Permit. How soon will I receive my permit once I send in my NOI? 257], The 3rd Department had the task of capturing German spies in the rear and organizing radio games with their help, and the 4th Department headed counter-intelligence measures behind the front line. Your SWP3 should have a site map that shows areas where the rain drains, industrial activities in each of these drainage areas, and the locations of all stormwater outfalls. This is an essential ingredient in allowing other Microsoft application teams and our ISV partners to build integrations into Microsoft Viva. waterbody) that receives the stormwater runoff from your facility? Bearbeiten Sie Themen auf vielfltige Weise. For additional information, see the EPA document entitled, TMDLs to Stormwater Permits Handbook. [21], GUKR SMERSH directed the work of field directorates, assigned to the fronts. The list of impaired waterbodies is available in Appendix C (the 303d List) of the IR under Whats New at this DEQs website at Integrated Report 303(d) & 305(b) Oklahoma Department of Environmental Qualityl. Description of stormwater controls to meet technology-based and water quality-based effluent limits. Hover over a name to open their people card and send them a message or set up a meeting. ","isImage2x":false,"imageHref":"","imageAlt":"Topic Discovery settings being edited in Viva Topics. This organization was known as the Navy UKR SMERSH and headed by Peter Gladkov and his two deputies Aleksei Lebedev and Sergei Dukhovich. Formally Gladkov was subordinate to his superior People's Commissar Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, head of Navy. Sales Cycle Length: The average time it takes between initial contact through closing, 6. Find Viva Topics help and learning content for employees. Bring to market one unique technology feature that doubles retention in our top customer segment (i.e., simplify administration, reduce CPU utilization, increase security, streamline integration). Viva Topics is available as a user-based add-on for Microsoft 365 plans for commercial customers. And everyone is qualified for the task. This Gale primary source digital collection includes materials such as intelligence studies, policy papers, diplomatic correspondence, cabinet meeting minutes, briefing materials, and domestic surveillance and military reports. Who is part of the KPI development process? Viva Topics is an AI-powered solution that discovers, organizes, and surfaces what matters. The NKVD structure organisation from 31 July 1941 [12] shows that there are independent Directorates as in the 1st: foreign intelligence, 2nd: domestic KI, and so on. Surface topic highlights, topic cards, and topic pages on SharePoint pages, hubs, and news stories. A comprehensive compilation of declassified documents from the executive branch spanning the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. If youre more of a visual learner, check out this vlog about setting KPIs! Use Viva AI to generate topic pages with a description, related content, and relevant peopleand then update the pages as new information becomes available. Book now. (see Part 4.2.3 of OKR05 permit). Zugangsberechtigungen, Aufbewahrungsbezeichnungen, Datenhoheit und Informationsbarrieren werden konsequent umgesetzt vor und nach der Aktivierung von Viva Topics. The NKVD OKR SMERSH was headed by Semion Yukhimovich and later V. Smirnov. The features with checkmarks in this column are included in Microsoft 365 and Office 365 plans for Enterprise. Seite zur Microsoft365 Enterprise-Lizenzierung, Erfahren Sie mehr ber die Aufbewahrung, Lschung und Vernichtung von Daten in Microsoft365, Ausbildung und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonal, Viva Learning mit nahtlosem Zugang zu Lerninhalten genau da, wo die Arbeit erledigt wird, Viva Insights Effizienz und Wohlbefinden frdern mit datengesteuerten, datenschutzkonformen Erkenntnissen, Viva Goals abgestimmt im Team arbeiten, Wirkungsgrad von Teamarbeit aufzeigen und Ziele in den tglichen Arbeitsfluss einbinden, Themen ber Themenhighlights auf einer SharePoint-Seite entdecken, Eine Themenkarte ffnen, um zugehrige Teammitglieder, Ressourcen und Themen anzuzeigen und auszuwhlen, Themeninformationen zusammenstellen, indem man die Beschreibung berarbeitet, weitere Ressourcen hinzufgt und Teammitglieder vorschlgt, Gesammelte und hinzugefgte Themen auf Genauigkeit und Relevanz prfen. ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":9,"name":"Themenseiten erstellen","videoHref":"","content":"

Generieren Sie mit Viva KI Themenseiten, die eine Beschreibung, verwandte Inhalte und relevante Kontakte enthalten. Die Funktionen, die in dieser Spalte mit einem Hkchen gekennzeichnet sind, gehren zu den Microsoft365- und Office365-Plnen fr Unternehmen. For example, the Moscow Military District, the biggest one at the time, had between 109 and 193 officers; they went through special training for filtering POWs. Yes, grab samples shall be collected for quarterly visual monitoring. Elevate your career with Informa Middle East. Location of all stormwater control measures such as structural BMPs. Examples: (a) Eliminate the top-5 root causes, (b) Set up a sales office in Shanghai, (c) Remove non-moving items from inventory, (d) Certify 15 Lean Six Sigma Black Belts. Viva Engage, connect everyone at your organization through employee communities and conversations. Your facilitys stormwater discharge violates an assigned effluent limit. The naming distinguished them from the GUKR (HQ) SMERSH headquarters. Microsoft Viva er en platform til medarbejderoplevelser, som samler kommunikation, viden og lring, s personer og teams kan yde deres bedste fra hvor som helst. Connect with experts directly from topic cards and topic pages. Management by objectives (MBO), also known as management by planning (MBP), was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of Management. Before filling out an NOI, understand the requirements of the 2022 OKR05 permit for stormwater discharges from industrial activity, identify the latitude and longitude of the entrance gate of the facility, identify the receiving water body, check whether the facility is located along a Sensitive Water or in a Sensitive Watershed or a Scenic River Watershed, and prepare a new or update an existing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) in accordance with the requirements of the 2022 OKR05 Permit. ","id":"Topic permissions","isImage2x":false,"imageHref":"","imageAlt":"Topic permissions being edited in Viva Topics. What is a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)? ","id":"Topic cards","isImage2x":false,"imageHref":"","imageAlt":"A topic being shared in a chat in Teams. 56 Top Gallant Road Stamford, CT 06902 USA. B. durch das Einbinden von Inhalten ber Microsoft Search und den Wissensaustausch ber das Themencenter und die Themenkarten. [7] On that date, the Special Section's 12 Sections and one Investigation Unit were separated from GUGB NKVD. What is the latitude and longitude at the entrance to your facility and at all the stormwater outfalls? 15 Product Management KPIs And Metrics To Track In 2022, 10 Free Event Planning Templates and Checklists to Get Ready for 2023, How To Create an Action Items List (Action Items Template). Can I transfer my OKR05 Permit to new owners if I sell or change ownership of our facility? David Ocumarez. The substantially identical discharge points must be identified on the site map too. It all depends on the outflow point. Viva Topics lernt stndig hinzu und erledigt automatisch die ntigen Aktualisierungen. This is one of the reports that is required under the Clean Water Act (CWA) [United States Code (U.S.C.) The OKR of each army included 57 men, while the size of the front UKR depended on how many armies composed the front. Automatically categorize knowledge into common subjects such as projects and products, and extract topic definitions, acronyms, and alternate names. Viva Topics automatically organizes content and expertise across your organization, making it easy for people to find information and put knowledge to work. What if my facility doesnt discharge stormwater to State waterbodies or an MS4? Bounce Rate: The percentage of emails that bounced. After DEQ receives a complete and accurate NEC form, DEQ personnel will inspect your facility to make sure it is in compliance with the No Exposure exclusion. If the Inspector of routine facility inspection observes any unnatural characteristics, spill & leaks or control measures needing repair/replacement, these observations will need to be documented on the routine facility inspection form. How do I find the receiving waters and TMDL information for my facility? Its an (almost) everyday task requiring time to turn raw data into actionable insights. ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":6,"name":"Identification and connection","videoHref":"","content":"

Bring together relevant content, conversations, links, and expertise from across your organization.

\n","isLogo2x":false,"links":null,"logoHref":"","logoAlt":"","logoHeight":0,"logoWidth":0,"title":"Topic curation"},{"pages":[{"order":0,"position":0,"slides":[],"tiles":[],"arialabel":"Topic management. OKR SMERSH (Counterintelligence Department) of the NKVD USSR was subordinate to Lavrentiy Beria, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs. Find partners to accelerate your journey with Viva. In 1968 L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology, began writing that all of the world's governments had been taken over by SMERSH and that the organization was controlling the world through psychiatry, which the Church opposes. These are listed in Part 3 of the OKR05 Permit along with the additional sector specific inspection requirements listed in Part 10 of the OKR05 Permit. Names and contact information for your facilitys owner, operator (if different than owner), and SWP3 contact person. If you cant get the samples during that time period, document that reason in your SWP3. The collection includes over 590,000 pages of pamphlets, ephemera, government documents, relief organization publications, and refugee reports that recount the causes, effects and responses to refugee crises before, during and shortly after World War II. ","imageHeight":729,"imageWidth":1298,"itemIndex":2,"name":"Topics","videoHref":"","content":"

Learn more about topicssuch as projects, products, customers, and industriesin context as they appear across the apps in Microsoft 365 you use every day.

","isLogo2x":false,"links":null,"logoHref":"","logoAlt":"","logoHeight":0,"logoWidth":0,"title":"See topics in context"},{"order":0,"position":0,"slides":[],"tiles":[],"arialabel":"Topic cards. If using the SELS, you may contact the lab at 866-412-3057 or email to request sampling supplies. This page was last edited on 21 October 2022, at 14:04. Useful for researching concepts in ethnic studies, intersectionality, justice, liberation, and current issues.

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