His north node in his 12th in pisces which means he will have to travel from a more material existence to a spiritual one in his lifetime, but that could take another 20 years. Lilith in the Twelfth House of Astrology (Explained) June 3, 2022 by Wisdom Tavern. This last chance element, sadly, often leads us to relationships that are destined to exist only to fix this thingwhen the lesson is learned, both these people move on. Judy, Im sorry about your relationship with your daughter. Chiron. However, Sag and Cap are very, very different from one another and the things that make you feel secure, comforted and appreciated will be very different, unless other things in the chart back them up. In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. where is very intense connection and I can feel things youve described but also I can see it as long term.. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. We feel that very beautiful in our life! Do you think perhaps its just the heavily dominated 12th house of our composite chart thats responsible for my belief that we may be twin flames? Neptunes great teaching is that love is a powerful force in and of itself, and should not be used as a binder. The North Node in the 12 th House - Synastry. It may have felt like chaos, but later on we know that there was method to the madness. hi dawn. I am not certain this person is a fit but yet there are alot of coincidences between us that keeps me boggled on the larger picture. I might even say hes one of the closest people to me. You dont want, on the whole, a composite Mars in the 12th square to Neptune, unless you are missionaries or you plan to open up a swimming pool installation company. But thank you for helping me face reality. Im kinda tired of dancing with men who enjoy attempting control and am tired of the endlessly unavailable creatures that keep crossing my path in life. You may struggle with understanding your emotions and cannot express them in a healthy way. PS.. hes the very first guy I ever met who knew and talked about astrology! You need to work on bringing body and mind together, as a couple. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Jupiter in 1st house, Uranus in the 11th to bracket the party. Its what happens when a sensitive person loves another human being. What gives a better idea of the relationship potential, synastry or composite? A share a composite chart with a stellium of planets (Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune) in the 12th house with cusp on Scorpio. They rip the rug from under you every other day. Its weird weird weird . In synastry, his Pluto is in my 12th conjunct my ascendent tightly, and I have nothing in his 12th. My husband and I have composite sun conjunct Saturn in the 12th, composite moon conjunct Venus in the 1st. In synastry, the house the Moon is in will show the area of life that someone touches another on a deep and personal level. Thanks! And 1 more thing HIS VENUS opposes my vertex and my sun, venus and mercury on his ASC conjucts his Venus! Your post was seemed most fitting for a romantic liaison. do you have any clue of what this means or should i just ignore it? Sun conjunct Neptune is a very difficult thing to live with in a composite chart. One of my longest relationships featured a Lilith-Sun/Ascendant conjunction in synastry. There is, without a doubt, an element of longing in the 12th. Illusions yes I know. Is Your experience the same? What if the composite chart has two strong stelliums: one is made up of the outer planets in the 12th, the other Sun/Mercy/Venus/Juno in the 10th (and moon and mars are in the 8th). There are lots of couples with heavy 12th house influence who are out in the open. I am Sun in Aries, Asc in Leo and Moon in Aquarius, and he is Sun in Leo, Asc in Gemini and Moon in Leo. Could be a seperation. But yes, the karmic and telepathic feelings are all there. We are happy when were together but he took a job 2 hours away and moved into our country house which I have now come to hate. By looking your article I realized that our composite chart is too difficult to try a relationship but when I examine our natal charts, there are many matchings as well. A Venus/Mars conjunction in Taurus can be a beautiful thing. I put mars (Cancer) in his 12th. Natal Birth Chart Meaning. Sun and Neptune both trine Lilith, who is in Pisces AND in house 12. He didnt want to commit/marry. Im blessed to remember some past lives weve had and we have definitely come together to mend some old wounds and learn to forgive and love one another. Neptune is in the 4th, Libra. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. The Autumn Schedule is Here! I really appreciate your take on the 12th house; it definitely resonates as true, from my experience. Hi Dawn. Hi HGOf course, these articles cant contain every single exception, and the whole chart has to be taken into consideration. Saturn in 6th or 12th house in composite chart: This is a strong healing or service oriented relationship and you will work hard together for those purposes. i give it much meaning because i really feel a psychic connection and a karmic fate, but again that could be just me since i have a heavy neptune but nothing in my natal 12th. You have a strong synastry and a strong 1st house in the composite, and of course that makes a difference. Composite Pluto in the 9th house: There is an added layer of complexity to their combined life philosophy. Im afraid I cant get into it in this space (in the synastry course, we spend several lessons comparing the midpoint and Davison charts). In composite, we have sun, mercury and part of fortune in the 12th. sorry Ive made an error : it is not his descendant point, it is his IC point. Im sorry, Kyveli, but this is too complex a question to answer in the space here. I have always been very attached to her and have had strong needs for physical intimacy which she has resisted. I feel ok about it but dont want to attach to it. How does a Composite Sun or Ruler of the chart operate when their planets are in the 12th house but also also conjunct the Ascendant? Love for loves sake wont fly with the 12th house. We also have Sun conjunct Saturn, Saturn trine Moon double whammy, Sun conjunct North Node double whammy, his venus conjunct my ascendant, My Mercury conjunct his ascendant, our moons conjunct in aries, Sun opposite Sun, Mercury opposite Mercury, and Venus opposite Venus, all within 3 degrees. I have 12th house with my partner, but also many Saturn and Pluto Aspects. The midpoint composite points out the places where the planets in the two charts manifest. If you have Lilith in the 12 th house of your chart, her themes will manifest in terms of isolation, the shadow, and limitation. Any insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated. One day , you said that people telegraph their natal theme at every instant of their lives. Only his Juipter is in the 12th, I have no planets there but also we both also have ceres and lilith in the 12th. This compo Pisces Lilith in house 12 falls on the exact degree of my natal Waldemath H58 , and she also falls on his natal antivertex. A very painful and challenging connection. I often was a bit too demanding of her when it comes to intimacy and I wonder if this is about me learning to let go. So sad! I have met my match. *Composite Chiron conjunct Moon in Taurus in 12th house. Moon in Aries/7th, Saturn in the 5th/Aquarius. Transit Saturn in the Composite 12th House. Trust me when I say that I will happily take a man i am less connected to, to allow myself the support I need to thrive in this life. Im trying to figure it out. If I murdered this illusion, it would be like if I murdered my own soul ; I just cant . First of all, head to astro.com head to extended chart selection . Please forgive me, there are much to read and ask, Your inputs will be very much appreciated. Its part of me. We have our composite sun in 12th house, along with saturn. I was wondering about my composite contacts with some I know who we share 12th house themes with. If the fears arent dealt with (and the fears include loss of all kinds), it can get projected and the world itself can become the enemy. If the Composite Sun is in the 1 st House, there will be a focus on this relationship. I cant stop the regretful feelings. I have composite sun and moon in house 12 with my brother. I still could love this man with his faults which I know he has but he is so caring and nice. His Saturn rules his moon and his ascendant, so it is a prominent planet, and as I said, he has Saturn conjunct his north node natally. It feels that we are very free together than alone. Its the last chance to get it right, and there will be a struggle to use this planets positive expression easily. It's a nightmare sometimes. Bright blessings to you. I live a bliss and despair relation for about 2 years but definite we are totally different persons than before met each other (we are old enough!). These are just a few of the synastry aspects. When there are clusters of planets there are no simple solutions. The fourth house is . You can imagine the past 10 years have not been easy. I still feel a strong connection to him, but in a way, I guess I have come to reasonable terms with not being with him. In Our composite chart Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Chiron in the 12 house. If you dont like how someone operates, who cares how connected you are to them? In our composite chart, Mars in 12th house Cancer square MC conjunct Mercury(10th) and the Sun, Venus(9th) & Mars square IC conjunct Saturn and Pluto(3rd). You have nailed my experience. This can happen in composites of unrequited love, where one person loves another who doesnt know he or she exists. thank you for your insight, thank you !!! Thank you for this series of articles! Similarly, the 4th house is used for Gemini, and information is extracted by reading it in the Natal charts. My progressed Uranus will be in my 7th house for the rest of my life. It can also mean, in this case, unconscious elements making themselves known via the Ascendant in mysterious ways. We are very romantic together and trust each other. We have Sun,mercury,venus and jupiter in 12th house virgo. . Learn More. Its hard for me to stop dreaming about this person. More, we have a 5 cluster Scorpio in 9 (Moon, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury), a composite Sun in Sag in 10, with Pluto and Uranus conjunct in 7 and unaspectted Gemini NN in 4 we also have a lot of 6/12 house contacts in synastry and 21 conjunctions (far from being easy!) This is brilliant and compassionate. Composite Neptune conjunct the angles (within 4 to 5 degrees) gives Neptune prominence in the relationship. And this is where we must reach out beyond our small lives to touch the greater life that is possible. What the twelfth house demands of us always is that we give the ego a rest, but often challenges regarding the ego are exactly what we have to face with twelfth house planets. Transit Jupiter in the Composite 12th House. HI, Sign up here if you would like to know when Dawn's Foundations e*book will be made available, The Composite Chart and the 12th House: The Ghost at the Door. I had a relationship with someone, in our composite chart, we have a stellium in the 12th house Sun, Juno, Venus and Uranus. such is the nature of the 12th, beautiful and terrible.! One thing Ive noticed with these people is that other people usually notice their . For instance I have a Composite Taurus Sun at 1-2 degrees in the 12th Conjunct Taurus Eros (also in the 12th at 4 degrees), and the Taurus Asc at 5 degrees. Saturn is the heaviest aspected planet in this composite, which actually reinforces the intensity of the Moon/Saturn-opposite theme from synastry. sounds pathetic, but thats just the nature of 12th house love; you cant downsize or decrease its feeling and meaning.. What a way to describe it ~ nebulous, yet mysteriously powerful influence on our lives or my life as far as i know, this was exactly how I confused myself in this short and intense relationship with an ex. Great gifts are possible if that Saturn is respectedthe power of manifesting energy into form. Is it a dream come true, or a big lie? Our synastry with my beloved couple is very strong with good connections between both 1th and 7th house rulers and many positive aspects like double whammy saturn-moon, and positive ascendant-moon, ascendant-venus, venus-moon, and so warm and intense pluto conj. When transit Uranus is in the composite 12th house, you may make changes together but quietly behind the scenes, with no one watching. His sun, mercury and chiron is in the 12 house in his natal chart. That you both have the Moon in the 12th makes you both sensitive to your surroundings and highly intuitive. His venus also opposed my Lilith in XII., his Pluto also trine my lilith in XII. Whitelotus. We have a meaningful journey to take together, but we must ultimately be alone. the davison chart also has our moon, venus, saturn and uranus in the 1st. Lilith in 12th House Composite, Composite Lilith in 12th House You may find it challenging to express devotion and love for one another if Composite Lilith is in the 12th house. Two sides of the same coin. It is commonly thought that the Moon governs emotions and intuition, and it does. If anything new would happen you would dbe the first one to know! I am very confused in everything in my life just because of him and the energies. As a 8th house sun Virgo 8th Venus Leo I am sure this adds to my sexual nature. I have been so confused and you describe it so accurately. .why is neptune conjunct sun so bad in composite?

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