[154][155] Many still consider Armenians to be a fifth column. However, whether this archival debate is a legitimate claim or not, it is currently the backbone of Armenian Genocide denial and needs to be addressed. [35][31] From 1895 to 1896 the empire saw widespread massacres; at least 100,000 Armenians were killed[36][37] primarily by Ottoman soldiers and mobs let loose by the authorities. [212] In 2000, Elekda complained ITS had "lost its function and its effectiveness". [299][300] According to historian Stefan Ihrig, in Germany, the Nazis viewed post-1923 Turkey as a post-genocidal paradise and, "incorporated the Armenian genocide, its 'lessons', tactics, and 'benefits', into their own worldview". [149], On 23 May 1915, Talaat ordered the deportation of all Armenians in Van, Bitlis, and Erzerum. [151], The Islamization of Armenians, carried out as a systematic state policy involving the bureaucracy, police, judiciary, and clergy, was a major structural component of the genocide. Lemkin recognized the fate of the Armenians as one of the most significant genocides in the twentieth century. As of 2022[update], 33 countries have recognized the events as genocide, which is also the academic consensus. Let them have neither bread nor water. [148] Besides the Turkish state, Turkish intellectuals and civil society have also denied the genocide. [120][121][122], Around 1990, Taner Akam, working in Germany, was the first Turkish historian to acknowledge and study the genocide. The Armenia Genocide can best be categorized as a terrible event that resulted in numerous damages to the Armenian populace in relation to its socio-economic stability and population loss. [269][270] The role of the Special Organization is denied[271][272] and massacres are instead blamed on Kurds,[59] "brigands", and "armed gangs" that supposedly operated outside the control of the central government. [9][10] The Ottoman Empire effectively treated Armenians and other non-Muslims as second-class citizens under Islamic rule, even after the nineteenth-century Tanzimat reforms intended to equalize their status. Its minority protection provisions had no enforcement mechanism and were disregarded in practice. [190] Although Islamization was the most feasible opportunity for survival, it also transgressed Armenian moral and social norms. [240][243], Relief efforts were organized in dozens of countries to raise money for Armenian survivors. Likewise, there are people in Beirut who support Armenians, which has negatively impacted relations with Turkey. [78] In 1919, Kemal defended the Ottoman government's policies towards Christians, saying "Whatever has befallen the non-Muslim elements living in our country, is the result of the policies of separatism they pursued in a savage manner, when they allowed themselves to be made tools of foreign intrigues and abused their privileges. [47][48] Abdul Hamid was forced to reinstate the 1876 constitution and restore parliament, which was celebrated by Ottomans of all ethnicities and religions. [225], Until the twenty-first century, Ottoman and Turkish studies marginalized the killings of Armenians, which many academics portrayed as a wartime measure justified by emergency and avoided discussing in depth. [26][30] In the minds of the Ottoman leaders, isolated incidents of Armenian resistance were taken as evidence of a general insurrection. [38] In a cable dated 13 July 1915, Talat stated that "the aim of the Armenian deportations is the final solution of the Armenian Question". The US Senate unanimously recognized the Armenian Genocide in December, 2019, following near-unanimous reaffirmation of the crime by the US House just weeks prior. Both government and opposition parties have strongly opposed genocide recognition in other countries. Armenians who lived in the war zone were instead killed in massacres. Talaat, the principal architect of the Armenian genocide, was killed in 1921 in Berlin where he had gone into hiding. [67][68] The Treaty of Svres granted Armenians a large territory in eastern Anatolia, but was never implemented because of the Turkish invasion of Armenia in 1920. [289][290], Armenian survivors were left mainly in three locations. [336], The genocide is extensively documented in the archives of Germany, Austria, the United States, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom,[337] as well as the Ottoman archives, despite systematic purges of incriminating documents by Turkey. 22 erkezyan, Sarkis, Dnya Hepimize Yeter (stanbul, 2012)Google Scholar. To what extent it can, and should, be considered in workplace policies is currently up for debate in the UK. } Many Armenians protest on this day every year, to receive recognition of the Armenian genocide. [306][307], The Turkish state perceives open discussion of the genocide as a threat to national security because of its connection with the foundation of the republic, and for decades strictly censored it. . [77] He contrasted the "murderous Armenians" to Turks, portrayed as a completely innocent and oppressed nation. This resulted in a nationalist group called The Young Turks, who wanted to kill Armenians and desired Turkification, a nationalist approach to empire. Incidentally, Gek gives an incorrect title for erkezyans memoir; see Gek, Denial of Violence, 485. These examples suggest that once a country supports or recognises the suffering of Armenians as a genocide, Turkey become more frustrated. The IAMM, under the control of Talaat's Ministry of the Interior, and the Special Organization, which took orders directly from the CUP Central Committee, closely coordinated their activities. [246] Both contemporaries[247][248] and later historians have estimated that around 1million Armenians died during the genocide,[3][249] with figures ranging from 600,000 to 1.5 million deaths. Go ahead, try to destroy them. An estimated 200,000 Armenian refugees settled in the Middle East, forming a new wave of the Armenian diaspora. [233][234][211] On 19May 1985, The New York Times and The Washington Post ran an advertisement from the Assembly of Turkish American Associations[235] in which 69 academicsmost of the professors of Ottoman history working in the United States at the timecalled on Congress not to adopt the resolution on the Armenian genocide. Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide (Armenian Studies) Paperback - January 1, 1999 by Richard G Hovannisian (Editor, Contributor), Ara Sarafian (Contributor), Donald E. Miller (Contributor), 10 ratings Paperback $36.99 16 Used from $4.95 10 New from $36.99 Instead, the men were usually separated from the rest of the deportees during the first few days and executed. This highlights the danger in openly speaking out on the genocide in Turkey, as it is a challenging subject that may have a detrimental impact on ones life. They will explore how Los Angeles-area descendants of survivors of the Armenian Genocide have responded to efforts to . [188] Talaat Pasha personally authorized conversion of Armenians and carefully tracked the loyalty of converted Armenians until the end of the war. [236][237] On 24May 1915, the Triple Entente (Russia, Britain, and France) formally condemned the Ottoman Empire for "crimes against humanity and civilization", and threatened to hold the perpetrators accountable. [151][152][153] On 21 June, Talaat ordered the deportation of all Armenians throughout the empire, even Adrianople, 2,000 kilometers (1,200mi) from the Russian front. [221], The Ottoman Empire tried to prevent journalists and photographers from documenting the atrocities, threatening them with arrest. 31 Ibid., 199. [179] Tens of thousands of Armenians died along the roads and their bodies were buried hastily or, more often, simply left beside the roads. Suny quotes from the 2003 edition, published by Wayne State University Press, 232. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. [83][84] Many of the main perpetrators, including Talat Pasha, were hailed as national heroes of Turkey; many schools, streets, and mosques are still named after them. Mass deportation was intended to permanently forestall the possibility of Armenian autonomy or independence. [171] More than 500,000 Armenians passed through the Firincilar plain south of Malatya, one of the deadliest areas during the genocide. [20] In the meantime, the Ottoman Empire lost almost all of its European territory in the Balkan Wars; the CUP blamed Christian treachery for this defeat. [160][161] Many believe that such an acknowledgement is imposed by Armenians and foreign powers with no benefit to Turkey. It said, in part: Denial of genocide strives to reshape history in order to demonize victims and rehabilitate the perpetrators. They can live in the desert but nowhere else. Morgenthau, Henry, Ambassador Morgenthaus Story (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1919), 338Google Scholar. - Armenian Americans again called on Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz to end his complicity in Turkey's Armenian Genocide denial, at a protest organized by the ANC. In 1916, another wave of massacres was ordered, leaving about 200,000 deportees alive by the end of the year. [329] The genocide became a central theme in English-language Armenian-American literature. 50 years ago, inmates at the Attica Correctional Facility presented a manifesto of their human rights. [To do so] was impossible. The Turkish government repeatedly denies the genocide took place, which is a painful experience for Armenian communities. [223] IsraelTurkey relations deteriorated in the late 2010s, but Israel's relations with Azerbaijan are close and the AzerbaijanIsrael International Association has lobbied against recognition of the genocide. [214] Each year since 1994, the United States president has issued a commemorative message on 24April. The distinction emanates from an effort to place culture at the center, rather than the broader definition of genocide, which might include politically or socially defined groups, such as Kulaks. Armenians were forced to go on death marches and were stripped of their humanity. [218] In 2006, in response to a debate initiated by MP Steven Pound, a representative of the FCO claimed the United Kingdom did not recognize the genocide because "the evidence is not sufficiently unequivocal". Denial of the Armenian Genocide is saying that the Armenian Genocide did not happen or what happened was not genocide. [95] These requests were endorsed by the central government already before 1915. [224] Scholar Eldad Ben Aharon considers that Peres simply made explicit what had been Israel's policy since 1948. Evidence from the British Foreign Office claims that given the importance of our relationships (political, strategic, commercial) withTurkey and that recognising the genocide would provide no practical benefit to the UK. Turkey's continued denial has meant that more than 95 years after the commencement of the Armenian Genocide, a just resolution, ensuring the sustainability and viability of the Armenian state and solace for the Armenian people, has not been reached. [208] Ultimately this formed much of the basis of the industry and economy of the post-1923 republic, endowing it with capital. Many Armenian intellectuals were the first ones to be lined up and killed by The Young Turks. A people who lived in eastern Turkey for nearly 3,000 years lost its homeland and was profoundly decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century. Negationism is mostly . [98] The Armenian soldiers in labor battalions were systematically executed, although many skilled workers were spared until 1916. Overall, the genocide resulted in the mass killing, rape, and torture of Armenians. [212] Committee members of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum reported Elekda told them that the safety of Jews in Turkey was not guaranteed if the museum covered the Armenian genocide. [333], Fringe theory that the Armenian genocide did not occur. [119][107] Besides academic research, Trkkaya Atav taught the first university course on the "Armenian question" in 1983. Following the deportations, the businesses of the victims were taken over by Muslims who were often incompetent, leading to economic difficulties. The Turkish denial is used throughout the Armenian Argument when supporting the Armenian Genocide. 'the gathering of orphans') that reclaimed thousands of kidnapped and islamized Armenian women and children. [327] There have been two major attempts at Turkish-Armenian reconciliationthe Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission (20002004) and the Zurich Protocols (2009)both of which failed partly because of the controversy over the Armenian genocide. [123] During the 1990s, private universities began to be established in Turkey, enabling challenges to state-sponsored views. The Armenian genocide cast a long shadow into the Holocaust era. [266] The postwar Ottoman government held the Ottoman Special Military Tribunal, by which it sought to pin the Armenian genocide onto the CUP leadership while exonerating the Ottoman Empire as a whole, therefore avoiding partition by the Allies. This campaign of genocide denial is a slap in the face to the Armenian people, preventing reconciliation and healing. One of the early exceptions was the genocide perpetrator Esat Uras, who published The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question in 1950. [285][286] Nearly 100,000 Armenians were massacred in Transcaucasia by the Turkish army and another 100,000 fled from Cilicia during the French withdrawal. [195][196] The government censorship handbook mandated strict limits on speech about Armenians, although penalties for violations were light. Instead, Lausanne granted impunity to all perpetrators. [45][46], The genocide is documented extensively in Ottoman archives, documents collected by foreign diplomats (including those from neutral countries and Ottoman allies), eyewitness reports by Armenian survivors and Western missionaries, and the proceedings of the Ottoman Special Military Tribunals. It is admirable that the Kardashians have been using their power as celebrities in a positive manner by shining a spotlight on issues impacting Armenian communities. [40] An estimated 100,000 to 200,000 women and children were integrated into Muslim families through such methods as forced marriage, adoption and conversion. [331][332][333] Since then more films about the genocide have been made, although it took several decades for any of them to reach a mass-market audience. [57] Unlike the 1890s massacres, the events were not organized by the central government but instigated by local officials, intellectuals, and Islamic clerics, including CUP supporters in Adana. [4][5] The Kingdom of Armenia adopted Christianity as its national religion in the fourth century CE, establishing the Armenian Apostolic Church. [254] Ottoman troops withdrew from parts of Armenia following the October 1918 Armistice of Mudros. [184][185] An estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Armenians were Islamized,[186] and it is estimated that as many as twomillion Turkish citizens in the early 21st century may have at least one Armenian grandparent. [177][178] Turkey's century-long effort to deny the Armenian genocide sets this genocide apart from others in history. [104][105] Discounting contrary reports that most Armenians were loyal, the CUP leaders decided that the Armenians had to be eliminated to save the empire. Through an examination of the Turkish government's official policy of denial of the Armenian Genocide, students will examine the consequences of denial, both for those directly impacted by the genocide and the wider public. On 24April 1915, the Ottoman authorities arrested and deported hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and leaders from Constantinople. The Armenian Genocide Denial project will support and produce research on the history and dynamics of Armenian genocide denial, its geopolitical and economic implications, and the struggle against it both within and outside Turkey. The term negationism has gained currency as the name of a movement to deny a specific crime against humanity, the Nazi genocide on the Jews in 1941-45, also known as the holocaust (Greek: complete burning) or the Shoah (Hebrew: disaster). Feature Flags: { [89] Armenian leaders urged young men to accept conscription into the army, but many soldiers of all ethnicities and religions deserted due to difficult conditions and concern for their families. [197] Although Armenian women tried to avoid sexual violence, suicide was often the only alternative. The century-long effort by the Turkish state to deny the genocide sets it apart from other cases of genocide in history. Several former CUP members were reelected through the assemblys eighth term, which ended in May 1950. [78] Around 150,000 Greek Orthodox from the Aegean coast were forcibly deported in May and June 1914 by Muslim bandits, who were secretly backed by the CUP and sometimes joined by the regular army. [29] Under international pressure at the 1878 Congress of Berlin, the Ottoman government agreed to carry out reforms and guarantee the physical safety of its Armenian subjects, but there was no enforcement mechanism;[30] conditions continued to worsen. [239][240] Heath Lowry, director of the Institute of Turkish Studies, helped secure the signatures; for his efforts, Lowry received the Foundation for the Promotion and Recognition of Turkey Prize. The U.S. Senate unanimously recognized the Armenian Genocide in December, 2019, following near-unanimous reaffirmation of the crime by the U.S. House just weeks prior. [49][50] Security improved in parts of the eastern provinces after 1908 and the CUP took steps to reform the local gendarmerie,[51] although tensions remained high. The closed border harms the economies of Armenia and eastern Turkey. [26] The Ottoman state bore ultimate responsibility for the killings,[39][40] whose purpose was violently restoring the previous social order in which Christians would unquestioningly accept Muslim supremacy,[41] and forcing Armenians to emigrate, thereby decreasing their numbers. Katie is eager to pursue a career in social change where she believes her ideas can have a positive impact on society. [174], At least 150,000 Armenians passed through Erzindjan from June 1915, where a series of transit camps were set up to control the flow of victims to the killing site at the nearby Kemah gorge. [135] These migrants were exposed to harsh conditions and, in some cases, violence or restriction from leaving their new villages. [2] Talat Pasha kept his own statistical record, which revealed a massive discrepancy between the number of Armenians deported in 1915 and those surviving in 1917. [314] Akam says that genocide denial "rationaliz[es] the violent persecution of religious and ethnic minorities" and desensitizes the population to future episodes of mass violence. Gek may be referring to the general mobilization order of the Ottoman Army on August 2, 1914, but this order did not mean that the empire was then joining the war. [226] Historians who recognized the genocide feared professional retaliation for expressing their views. [142][144][145] In 2003, students in each grade level were instructed to write essays refuting the genocide. [318], Denial has also affected Armenians, particularly those who live in Turkey. Armenian soldiers and officers were removed from their posts pursuant to a 25February order issued by Minister of War Enver Pasha. [155][156], Overall, national, regional, and local levels of governance cooperated with the CUP in the perpetration of genocide. [169] As of 2020[update], all major political parties in Turkey, except the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), as well as many pro- and anti-government media and civil society organizations, support denial. By the end of June, there were only a dozen Armenians in the vilayet. [41][42] The state confiscated and redistributed property belonging to murdered or deported Armenians. The famous Kardashians, who have Armenian ancestry, have used their voices and platforms to spread awareness on the Armenian Genocide and continue to fight for recognition. "[79][80], Historian Erik-Jan Zrcher argues that, since the Turkish nationalist movement dependent on the support of a broad coalition of actors that benefitted from the genocide, it was impossible to break with the past. [310] Since the ECtHR has ruled that member states may criminalize Holocaust denial, the verdict has been criticized for creating a double standard between the Holocaust and other genocides, along with failure to acknowledge anti-Armenianism as a motivation for genocide denial. Armenian Genocide, campaign of deportation and mass killing conducted against the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turk government during World War I (1914-18). [189], According to sociologist Levon Chorbajian, Turkey's "modus operandi remains consistent throughout and seeks maximalist positions, offers no compromise though sometimes hints at it, and employs intimidation and threats". [221], In April 2001, a Turkish newspaper quoted foreign minister Shimon Peres as saying, "We reject attempts to create a similarity between the Holocaust and the Armenian allegations. There were approximately 1.5 million Armenians living in the multiethnic Ottoman Empire in 1915. [27][28][29] Massacres turned into genocide following the catastrophic Ottoman defeat by Russia in the Battle of Sarikamish (January 1915), which was blamed on Armenian treachery. The quotation in the books title is taken from United States Ambassador Henry Morgenthaus memoir, in which he quotes CUP leader and Minister of the Interior Talat Pasha as stating to him in a private but heated conversation in early August 1915, I have asked you to come here so as to let you know that our Armenian policy is absolutely fixed and that nothing can change it. See Akam, Taner, The Young Turks Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012), xixiiGoogle Scholar. It's often said that the last stage of genocide is denial. [129][130][131], The deportation of Armenians and resettlement of Muslims in their lands was part of a broader project intended to permanently restructure the demographics of Anatolia. [334], Azerbaijan state propaganda claims that the Armenians have perpetrated a genocide against Azeris over two centuries, a genocide that includes the Treaty of Gulistan (1813), the Treaty of Turkmenchay (1828), Baku Commune, the January 1990 deployment of Soviet troops to Baku (following the massacres of Armenians in Baku), and especially the 1992 Khojali massacre. "[4][260], Denialist works portray Armenians as terrorists and secessionists,[261] shifting the blame from the CUP to the Armenians. [229] At the beginning of 1916 some 500,000 deportees were alive in Syria and Mesopotamia. [238] Witness testimony was published in books such as The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (1916) and Ambassador Morgenthau's Story (1918), which raised public awareness about the genocide. [243] According to Richard G. Hovannisian, of recent deniers in academia, almost all have connections to Turkey and those with Turkish citizenship have all worked for the Turkish foreign ministry. [13], Armenians in the eastern provinces lived in semi-feudal conditions and commonly encountered forced labor, illegal taxation, and unpunished crimes against them including robberies, murders, and sexual assaults. [173][176] Many others were held in tributary valleys of the Tigris, Euphrates, or Murat and systematically executed by the Special Organization. Few resisted, believing it would put their families in greater danger. [42], Abdul Hamid's despotism prompted the formation of an opposition movement, the Young Turks, which sought to overthrow him and restore the 1876 Constitution of the Ottoman Empire, which he had suspended in 1877. Let us say that it is again 1915, there is war in the world. [107] By the twenty-first century, the Turkish Historical Society, known for publications upholding the official position of the Turkish government, had as one of its main functions the countering of genocide claims. [91][92] During the Ottoman invasion of Russian and Persian territory, the Special Organization massacred local Armenians and Syriac Christians. Most of those implicated in war crimes evaded justice and many joined the new Nationalist Turkish movement led by Mustafa Kemal. He was prosecuted for insulting Turkishness and was assassinated in 2007 by a Turkish ultranationalist. Other rotting corpses became stuck to the riverbanks, and still others traveled as far as the Persian Gulf. [116][117][118] The Council of Higher Education was set up in 1981 by the Turkish military junta, and has been instrumental in cementing "an alternative, 'national' scholarship with its own reference system", according to Grpnar. [87] Many Russian Armenians were enthusiastic about the war, but Ottoman Armenians were more ambivalent, afraid that supporting Russia would bring retaliation. One of the most important reasons for this denial is that the genocide enabled the establishment of a Turkish nation-state. [259] In line with the CUP's justification of its actions, denialist works portray Armenians as an existential threat to the empire in a time of war, while rejecting the CUP's intent to exterminate the Armenian people. 43 Gek, , Denial of Violence, 413Google Scholar. But while it might have begun 102 years ago, in a sense,. 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